Saturday, July 28, 2007

Nothing much to report

Well, it doesn't look like I'm going to finish Mariel this month. The humidity, combined with the heat, has made the idea of knitting a cashmere/mohair sweater just too much to think about. I haven't done more than 3 inches this entire week. I will finish it, but I think it's going to have to wait til it cools down a bit and dries out a bit more.

I don't understand the weather here lately. It's our driest year in recorded history, yet we've been dealing with 80%+ humidity for weeks. It's not supposed to be that bloody humid in SoCal. My mother's family is in the Carolinas, and I expect humidity there (and it's a killer humidity there ~ can humidity go above 100%?). But this is SoCal, a desert area. This freaking humidity is obviously lost on the wrong coast.

I've got the blahs, today. Nothing seems to interest me. Not reading, not knitting, and most definitely not cleaning. I just don't seem to have any energy at all. I'm blaming the heat. It doesn't even really dry out or cool off at night, and sleeping in that is difficult, at best. So, I'm tired, lack energy, and can't sleep. Not a good combination. I can't wait for fall!

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