Saturday, November 27, 2010

Post-Thanksgiving/Black Friday

Thanksgiving was quiet, just my brother's family and me. My brother did all the cooking ~ he's turned out to be quite a good cook, and he really seems to enjoy it. One of the things I'm thankful for, every Thanksgiving.

Black Friday came and went, while I stayed home. Well, except for a brief trip to the grocery store for a few staples that I needed to get through until payday next week. Since I sprained my foot, I wasn't able to get out earlier for much of anything, so I really had to go out yesterday.

I've never participated in the insanity that is Black Friday. I can't even imagine getting up to go shopping at 3 am, which is when some stores opened yesterday. I don't like crowds. Actually, I get claustrophobic in crowds. I don't even do malls during the holiday season. I guess I just don't understand the logic behind lining up in the cold dark (and it's been really cold lately!) for a chance to fight over what you want to buy, and then stand in line hours to pay for it, and then fight for another hour or so getting out of the place and home. Of course, I don't actually want anything from those stores, not as Christmas presents. The folks I buy for don't need or use anythng from general stores, so there's just no reason at all to participate in the frenzied shopping experience that is Black Friday.

My nephew is getting cooking lessons, from a local place that offers a variety of lessons for kids. I haven't decided what my niece will get, yet. Her mom said she was lusting after a "hand-tied fleece" throw, but I'm not sure about making one of those. My brother is getting a variety of cooking related items ~ a salt sampler, a mini-smoker that goes right on the BBQ, etc. My sister-in-law will probably get a Legos kit she wants (my nephew and his mom are Lego fanatics). Two of my friends are getting personalized notecards (already purchased and arrived) from Silhouette Blue. My sister is getting the scarf I knit for her. Her kids will get gift cards which they can use to get something they'd like. I don't know them all that well, since they've almost always lived far away, and I see them rarely. And my brother-in-law? I still haven't figured out what to send him, and the time is growing short for that.

So, it isn't yet December 1st, but my Christmas is pretty much set. No last-minute panic needed, thank you very much. Which means I'll be guilt-free knitting this month, no deadlines, no "I should be doing something else" worries. I don't even put up a tree at my apartment, since my cat considers any plant-like item to be his personal toy. I tried it once, and lost more than a dozen cherished ornaments when he pulled the tree over climbing on it. I do love my cat, but I'm not risking more broken ornaments and coming home to a trashed tree.  I did, however, come across a pattern for a very cute knitted Christmas tree, which I might actually make this year to go with the small one I made using alphabet blocks and tiny ornaments several years ago. (He can't knock it over, since it's heavier than a tree and it's solid, unlike a tree. It comes out every Christmas, and so far, he's swatted it a few times, but otherwise left it alone. So, other than figuring out what I can have my students make for their parents, I'm looking forward to a relaxing December. (Well, except for report cards which have to be written quite soon, and the hectic class party I have to organize for my students.)

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