Sunday, November 14, 2010

Moth Damage

Well, I lost 5 sweaters to moths, but I have 3 that can be saved by darning. My yarn seems to be fine, however, so at least that has no loss.

I still don't know how I acquired moths, but I'm putting up cedar blocks everywhere, and I've made a schedule for refreshing them that should deter any new invasions. I suspect that I might have gotten them from yarn bought on EBay, so if I buy anymore, it's going in the freezer upon arrival. I also informed my landlord, so the next time they spray they'll include something for that (he says). I still haven't found an adult moth anywhere, however, so I'm going to keep looking.  I put up pictures of what they look like in both my craft room and bedroom, so I can remember what they look like. (Although I'm tempted to use them as impromptu dart boards!)

After the upheaval of the moth invasion, I can't find either my yarn winder or swift, so the sock yarn I've bought is going to sit for awhile until I can locate them. I just don't want to wind 400+ yards of fingering weight yarn by hand, and of course, my handwound balls are not beautiful or easy to use. I've just never figured out how to hand wind a center pull ball, so I'm at the mercy of  my winder/swift.

I picked up some Vesper sock yarn in the Wild Berry colorway, (Since the yarn isn't available anymore, only a thumbnail was online, and enlarging it blurred it a bit) which I'd planned to use for the first socks I knit.Well, after the first socks I experimentally knit, anyway. I'm looking for some so-so yarn to use for the first trial socks. I figure I'm going to be ripping out many times, so I don't want to use a really good yarn for that. I have lots of yarn, but almost none in fingering or even sport weight to use for this, so I may end up just buying a ball of Kroy, and using that.

My sister's scarf is done and on its way to VA. It's wrapped up, so she'll have to wait for Christmas to open it. I'm just glad it's on its way.  No pictures, since I still haven't located the charger for my cameras' batteries. I guess I really am going to have to bite the bullet and go buy new chargers. It just seems to me that since both my cameras are Nikons, they could at least use the same kind of batteries, so I'd only need one charger. Oh, well.

On another note, I've been following a video-cast (vcast? vidcast? who knows?) done by TheKnitGirllls. I really enjoy their show, which is up each Sunday. Leslie and Laura are fun to watch, plus they showcase a lot of new stuff ~ books, yarn, fiber, fiber festivals, yarn shops, etc.  Laura's book reviews are also interesting. I like that she shows the inside of the book, highlighting several different pages or patterns. It's almost like being in a bookstore, browsing it yourself.  If you haven't caught them yet, head on over to and check them out. They're also on iTunes, and they have a Ravelry group, as well.

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