Saturday, March 10, 2012

Blogger is being hateful, and I can't post unless I log in from IE, which I only discovered today would work. Some weirdness while on AOL that says there's a problem with a subroutine between ie8 and ie9. Oh, well.

Anyway, I've been busy working, reading, knitting, and discovering the joys of my Kindle Fire. Never thought I'd use e-books, but turns out I really enjoy them.

I haven't finished the sweater I mentioned I was designing/knitting. I kept making mistakes, and frogging, so it's been put aside until I get over whatever is clogging my brain when I try to knit it. I did make a nice pair of fingerless mitts, which came in handy when we had those mornings where 45 was the high for days. No pictures, yet, since my camera has been hijacked by my sister-in-law until further notice.

And now the weather is trending toward the high 70s or low 80s, so warm weather knits are looking better all the time. The new Knitty is out, and I took a quick look earlier today. Franklin's pineapple bag is both goofy and wonderful, but not something I think I'll ever knit. And I am so not a shawl person. A couple of sweaters seemed possible, both short and long sleeved.  As I get older, I tend to avoid sleeveles or short sleeved tops, however. I don't even know why. I mean, my upper arms aren't flabby or wrinkled, so I don't *have* to cover them. I just do.

Not much else to say, just dropped in to let folks know I was still here.

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