Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Follow-Up to My Last Post

I am both apalled and outraged by the cowardly action of the Wisconsin Republican Senators and their ringleader, Scott Walker. Using an unethical, and probably illegal, method, they passed their discriminatory anti-union bill without having a single Democratic vote. The 14 Democratic Senators are still out of state, and they weren't even advised of the vote, much less present for it.

Their actions are completely un-American. I can't believe anyone growing up in America, with all the benefits that confers on us, would participate in what is clearly a power grab by an arrogant Republican, who seems ready to use any methods to consolidate all power in his hands, and use that power to destroy the middle class, their state constitution, the environment, and turn Wisconsin into a Corporate State. Portions of that law give Walker the right to sell, without any oversight from anyone, any energy plant he wants, to allow the use of public land for any purpose he desires. It strips every public employee, except the police and firemen (whose unions support(hopefully that is past tense, now) Republican candidates, of any union benefits.

Republicans made sure that the Wall St. companies honored their contracts to give employees enormous bonuses, saying we had to allow them to do that so that they could continue to entice the "best and brightest" people to work for them. What a crock. Their "best and brightest" already managed to crash the US economy. The Republicans wanted to make sure they paid those villains millions of dollars so they can do it again? But teachers, nurses, health care workers, custodians ~ Republicans don't think they're worth honoring. Cut their pay, take away their unions, fire them for any reason whatsoever ~ like demonstrating against this sickening display of arrogance? ~ it's okay to do that. They're only the middle class. Republicans don't have any interest in them. Middle class people aren't rich enough to be considered, I guess.

I am just sick over this. No matter what party you belong to, I hope you realize what this means to America. It's the end of the middle class, if we allow this attack to succeed. Remember that old saying, "First they came for the Jews, and I wasn't Jewish so I didn't protest. Then they came for the Catholics, and I wasn't Catholic, so.... And then they came for me, but there was no one left to protest."

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