Saturday, October 20, 2007


Okay, so I'm not much of a blogger. I'm sorry. My life has been so hectic lately, I've had no time to do much of anything blogworthy. My Masters program has started, and I'm knee-deep in reading, writing, and researching for that. I just got made the PTA president, when the former president unexpectedly resigned. I'm on the Leadership team at school, and am responsible for researching and recommending a new vocabulary program for our school. Parent conferences are coming up in a week. I've had the cold from hell for the last two weeks, and it hasn't yet shown me it's leaving.

I haven't knitted a single thing in weeks. I haven't even thought of knitting anything in weeks. I have added to my stash (Webs had their sale, you know, and it's sacrilege to ignore it, right?), but even that hasn't inspired me to pick up a needle, or even search through my voluminous supply of patterns and stitch dictionaries. I'm in a funk, and I don't know when it's going to end. And with the amount of work my Masters program seems to be generating, even if the funk ends, I may not have time to do anything about it.

So, I apologise to any readers who may have noticed my absence. I have no FOs or even UFOs to share. I have no knitterly advice, no knitterly questions, no knitterly progress. I just have way too much to do, not enough time to do it all, and no knitting mojo at all.

1 comment:

Cindy G said...

Sounds pretty overwhelming. Have been thinking of you and others in the LA area through all the fire reports.