Sunday, April 1, 2007

Life, Computers, and Insanity

My life has been much harder than it has to be, lately. Blogger "disappeared" me for a month, my boss asked for 6 impossible things in 2 days, the IRS has decided that I owe them $1,200+ in back taxes (I'm a school teacher, dammit. How can I owe them so much for as little as I earn??), my computer's power supply died (never had that happen before!), and once it was replaced, we (computer tech and I) discovered that it had screwed up my Window's installation, as well. Seems everything was still there, but from Turn On to Open Program could take ~ well, I don't know, exactly, because I gave up after 45 minutes. No problem, I thought to myself. I have that big, wonderful 160 gig hard drive, just waiting to be installed (to replace the old C drive that just died, back in October (no reason, no saving it, just dead, and most of my documents, pics, etc with it). So, I install it. Install a new copy of XP. Slave my old D drive to it. Works great, I say to myself. Faster than ever, even.

One problem. Can't even look at my old D drive. Says it's blank. (It isn't. It has my life on it, the one I painstakingly rebuilt after my C drive died.) Okay, I say. I saved a bunch of stuff on CDs, so I'll just copy that to the new drive. Except that Windows goes nuts when I try to read the CD. Doesn't reject it. Just goes into NeverNeverLand. Welcome to reboot city. I check to see that I really did install the CD burner program that created the CDs. It's there. It works. I can burn CDs. I just can't read the CD with my edited life on it. (There is one miracle here, though. I burned a CD with all my report cards on it, and it will read that one. Hallelujah! Oh, wait. My gradebook is on the now defunct D drive. Sigh)

I'm going to try a couple of other techy things with my old drive, to see if I can't salvage some of it. If/when that fails, I guess I'll be wandering off to CompUSA, where they say they can save info on any harddisk(for $$$, no doubt). We'll see. Wish me luck?


mehitabel said...

Oh, I hate computer problems! My old computer died--as in, dead as a doorknob, doorstop dead--so I had to break down and get a new one. All that money that could have been spent on yarn! Oh well, the computer is also my "lifeline" to my family, so it's good to have it up and running. I guess! Oh, and report cards--you are reminding me of why I'm no longer teaching!

CatBookMom said...

Oh, dear! OK, losing my blog for 3 weeks pales by comparison. I really hope you find techies who can fix all the problems, software and hardware both. That reminds me to find those memory sticks I bought instead of CDs.

Thinking about you!