Monday, January 27, 2014

A New Year and new projects

I've been rather lazy lately. Finished my own design, but haven't taken a pic of it yet. I'm just starting a new sweater, one from Metropolitan Knits, called the Skyline Tunic. I've got the yarn, the pattern, and somewhere around here, I've got the needles, too. I'm using a pink yarn (with purple undertones) called Inka, by Steinbach Wolle. It gets gauge, although it isn't as "hairy" as the yarn used in the original. I don't mind that. Many hairy sweaters seem to shed, and I don't need that.

I've been going through all my knitting books and magazines lately, trying to see if anything new strikes my fancy. And in the magazines, trying to see if there was anything I wanted to save from them before tossing them out. I just don't have room to keep all the knitting magazines I buy, so I've set up a notebook, and just tear out the patterns or stories I want, slip them into plastic page protectors, and file them. (Actually, I'm starting on my second notebook. The first filled up pretty fast.)

I know I will never knit all the patterns I've saved, or from the books I have, but I never know what I'll be in the mood to knit. I like having a wide variety to choose from.

Anyway, that's it for now. I'll try to be more regular at blogging, but I can't make any promises.